
We are shortlisted again for the Nursery World Awards!

Nursery World Awards Logo 2018

We are delighted to share our project with Smartlyte, ‘#Get Balsall Heath Reading’ has been shortlisted for the Nursery World Awards, 2018.                 This is the second consecutive year ‘#Get Balsall Heath Reading’ has been nominated and shortlisted and is huge recognition of the impact and success of the parental […]

Why choose St. Paul’s Nurseries?

Day Nurseries Logo

Are you or do you know of any parents thinking about nursery provision for your/their child? Watch and share this powerful short video where parents who have placed their kids with St. Paul’s say why and what it’s done to develop their child. Please share this with others.

‘Families Voices’

Family Voices Images 1

Last week, we were delighted to host our ‘Families Voices’ Consultation Event at Balsall Heath Children’s Centre, in partnership with St Paul’s Development Trust and  Smartlyte. The consultation was arranged as part of “The Community Cohesion strategy for Birmingham  – Forward together to build a fair and inclusive city for all” outlines Birmingham City Council’s […]

Hall Green District – Holiday Kitchen summer programme

Smoothie Bike

    Hall Green District launched their Holiday Kitchen Program on Saturday 28th July, at St Paul’s Trust Children’s Centre, Malvern Street, on the farm site. It was a resounding success with 82 children and parents attending. Families were able to join in cooking a three course meal together, offering a variety of healthy choices […]

Holiday Kitchen Summer Fun

Over the summer St Paul’s Children’s Centre in partnership with The Springfield Project and Holiday Kitchen ran a number of sessions for families.  They were very well attended and families enjoyed the activities and making healthy food together.  To find out more click here

World Breastfeeding Week

Breast Feeding Week 2018

1st – 7th August 2018 World Breastfeeding Week http://worldbreastfeedingweek.org/  The theme this year is ‘Breastfeeding: Foundation of Life’   #WBW2018

Holiday Kitchen Family Fun Day

This Saturday, 28th July, St Paul’s Children’s Centre is hosting a Holiday Kitchen Fun Day.  If you live within the Hall Green District and have children under the age of 5 come along and join in the fun.  We start at 11am at St Paul’s Venture, Malvern Street with lots of fun activities including art […]

Partnership with Newman University

Newman Partnership

Newman University is delighted to be working with St. Paul’s Community Development Trust to give our students real-world work experience working with parents/families experiencing challenging situations in their lives.

Birmingham Forward Steps Launch – 25th July

Birmingham Forward Steps Logo

To celebrate the launch of the new health and well-being service for children under 5 and their families, we are inviting you to come along to Cannon Hill park and take part in some free art and craft activities. 

Our end of year Trip to Martineau Gardens!

Getting on the Bus

On Monday 2nd July we went on a lovely play group trip to a hidden gem in Birmingham. Martineau Gardens is one of those places you may have heard of but never visited……

Charity Football Match – The Result!

Charity Football Match Poster

Well in all the excitement of the World Cup and England making it through to penalties and winning a knock out game we nearly forgot about the epic battle between the Mighty Old Boys Cross Guns and the Magnificent Moseley Town Colts. The final result … 3-3. Yes, it had to go to penalties. Well done to the Old Boys […]