
Day of Service: Thursday

Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Venue:  Braithwaite Road

Does the service have a supporting crèche? not applicable

How do I book a place? No need to book, just turn up on the day (Places are limited)

Cost: £1 for the first child, 50p per sibling thereafter  

Baby Matters is a warm, relaxing and friendly group for babies to explore new activities and ideas together.

This group is for Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers who look after babies up to the age of 18 Months.

The interactive group focuses on key aspects of parenting skills such a child development and safety. With an emphasis on the child’s needs, play is a key part of the group. Come along to enjoy a relaxed environment in which parents and careers can spend quality time with their child and each other. 

For more information, call reception on 0121 464 6349 or 0121 675 1303.