
Venue:  Malvern Street

Does the service have a supporting crèche? not applicable

How do I book a place? Eligible parents are welcome to attend without booking

Parents Voice is a partnership between parents and the Children’s Centre. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement. 

The Objectives of Parents Voice is to:

  • develop parent participation and partnerships
  • recognise parents’ wishes and feelings
  • support children’s centres in matching services to meet the needs of children, families and communities
  • offer advice and challenge for improvements in service design
  • develop wider links with community groups/organisation working towards similar outcomes
  • provide financial transparency to parents and costs vs benefits of resource allocation
  • develop an understanding of children’s centre objectives, outcomes and impact
  • form a diverse yet collective voice which is representative at advisory board meetings
Members of Parents Voice are parents who access Children’s Centre services with a passion for the centre.  They play a vital role within the Children’s Centre as they have first hand experience of the difficulties faced by parents/carers.  The role involves encouraging other parents to be involved with their child’s learning and development and develop skills for themselves too.

If you would like to be more involved in the Parents Voice and be a voice for the parents please call 0121 464 6349 and ask for Clare.