
We provide a safe, happy and secure environment, in which children can grow to become confident and independent learners.  We develop each child’s interests, meeting the needs of every child as an individual. 

We use many different approaches and provide a wide variety of experiences as we recognise that each child has their own learning style and preferred activities. While joining and following the children in play, staff can identify opportunities to enhance and promote learning by being in tune with children’s individual developmental needs and interests.  Within this, learning opportunities are always child-centred and child led as we celebrate their  natural desire to explore and learn.

We believe that this is a more natural way of learning, enabling children to progress and develop at their own pace supported by knowledgeable and playful practitioners. It provides time and opportunity to ensure that learning and development is embedded as children are able to fully explore and extend concepts and interests and adults can focus on ‘teachable moments’.

We promote curiosity, awe and wonder within our settings which we believe creates the ‘thinkers and doers’ of the future. Loose parts, authentic resources, natural and recycled materials are key while providing calm and tranquil places to become engaged in deep levels of sustained thinking. We have always focused on nurturing children’s curiosity and imagination.

We encourage the children to use all areas of our setting environment, inside and outside and the local community to support their learning and development. We are very privileged to have our very own city farm and boat. Children also have many trips out in the local community to shops, parks, libraries, café’s, garden centres.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage is a framework from birth to five years within all settings and reception classes.  It is based on the ethos that every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential; ensuring ‘school readiness.’  

The EYFS acknowledges that a secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right.  Good parenting and high quality learning together provide the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities & talents as they grow up.