FLB Come Rain or Snow 1

Set off we did,
to the Library of Brum we went.
Buggies and babies wrapped up warm.
Milk bottles, food and library cards in tow.

The lifts we found – well three in all.
And fun we had, as we found treasures on each floor. 
“Hello”, we said, “Mr Shakespeare. 
“How do you do? And what a nice memorial room for you!”

Frozen to the bone and runny noses too,
as many selfies we took,
perched high above the City on the ’Secret Garden’ view. 
And then more we took, as we saw some more. 
The Glass Lift looked nice.
But not today thank you.
Likewise for your lovely escalators on view.

Mums were enthralled and wanted more.
The babies were bored. Boo Hoo!
Pressed LG Floor we did and fled to cosy chairs and children’s books. 
‘Peace at Last’ as we all discovered, 
‘Days at the Zoo’, ‘The Gruffalo’ and ’The Little Red Hen’

More library cards we took.
And borrowed books to show.
Commitments to return again, as due.

Babies were tired more, 
so fled we did once more. 
To Broad street and fresh air,
for babies to snooze.
Get Balsall Heath Reading – we certainly do too.
