
“She looked down at her dark mop.
Took in her nose, the dark eyes as they wandered taking a new world in.

What a world
With its noise and clutter
The rush to live, to succeed
To be the best …at everything
At sports, at idle chatter, at the giggles that enchant
At school the best parties, the biggest frocks. The mostest grades of course
The most liked profile, the vlogs, the blogs and the likes

And of course to have read the most books, most travelled
To have the bestest of work, A+ always
To thrive at maths, at languages, at understanding the world of science
And art and then philosophy

The smartest of suitors, the bestest and bestest of friends who all compete
On the Hamster’s Wheel of Life

She’ll find the cures, the secrets to world peace. Create more land. Write the books to change her time
She will host and smile and achieve it all

Of course it will all come easy. For her World will be fair
No ceilings to smash. No twitter or Facebook placards to build and burn.
Her world will smile, and help and push
Her world will serve.
But only if she wants it all.”

10th March, 2017