
There are many reasons why we look at websites and in particular read their blogs and updates. For some it is for information purposes and for others it is to share stories.

Whilst I enjoy writing and sharing updates of what families have enjoyed and achieved as part of their Learning Journeys over the week. The following really made me think about why writing a update blog is so important.

“I came from Sudan in July, 2016. I came with my two little girls. At the time, I knew only my brother-in-law here. I came to England because I want to improve my life and my family’s life. In the UK, I feel free and independent. I do not worry about our future.

By attending the Family Learning classes at the Children’s Centre, I have made many new friends. I have learnt many new things. My children too, have made new friends. I have enjoyed new experiences, such as going to the Library of Birmingham and seeing William Shakespeare’s Room. I have visited the local Library, too.

The classes make me feel confident and stronger as a woman. Being part of the Family Learning WhatsApp group makes me feel supported all the time. I have friends who text me, if I have been quiet for a few days. They care for me.

The teacher has helped me to find out information on the IELTS course, where I can do this and how I can use the library for the books I need, rather than buying them. She gives me advice on how I can continue my dentistry career here. She encourages me and supports me.

Leaving my husband behind in Sudan has been difficult. He is supportive and tells me to complete my mission. We Skype and call each other all the time.

I have given him the address for the St Paul’s Trust website. He can go onto it and see what his family is doing. Reading the blogs helps him and makes him happy to see that we are settling and we are involved in doing lots of things in a safe place.”

March 2017
