
Set off we did. Thirty in all.
A convoy of taxis beckoned, “Here Sir, please.”
Babies, buggies, bottles and children in tow
“Winnie and Wilbur, please,” We asked to see
At the Rep, no less. Posh as posh can be!

Sat patiently and waited, till curtain they rose
A birthday party to plan
All the prance, the chaos, and giggles.
A riot of colours, loud bangs and Winnie’s screech we enjoyed.
Whoops of delight, howls of laughter, little hands applauding
All with the scrunch of crisps and biscuits to placate, we heard.
Joy, joy, joy. So much fun we had.
Thank you so much, Mr Ball. So sorry for the mess we left!

Then off to the neighbours we went
Sat and idled time in the children’s section we did.
Lounged on their big teddies and sofas, too
Books we read, aloud and aloud still more. 
Sing songs we did as more mums joined our choir indeed.

Too soon “Time up!” shouted Mr Clock.
Hail taxis from the Hyatt. See so posh!
Buggies folded, seat belts on
And back to base, we came.
“Thank you so much. What a lovely trip, Miss. 
Again we’ll go, with families, so sure”

Taxis paid and off they drove 
“Thank you, Sir. Your patience was well received” 
A smoke of fumes and onto their next jobs
In the distance getting smaller and smaller 
Just as mum shrieked, “Hafsha, my buggy has gone……!”

Hafsha Shaikh 
April, 2017