
We had great fun with our Family Learning Science Day at Balsall Heath Children’s Centre.

Our day started with breakfast and water as we learnt how the brain and the body need fuel to function and water to hydrate.

Moving on rapidly the families whizzed through learning about neurons and the different areas of the brain.

We smiled with pride as children shared their knowledge on diffusion and laughed as they beat the adults at optical illusions!

Then there were lots of gasps as children looked through microscopes at different cells and insects.

FLB Bright Sparks 1
FLB Bright Sparks 2

It was the final challenge that really brought out the competitive element in all the families as they all competed to make the tallest tower in Balsall Heath – using only newspaper and sellotape!

Our activities taught families how science can be so much fun and with many simple experiments that families can repeat at home.

The evaluations from the day show that all families, not only enjoyed themselves, learnt new areas of science but now also feel motivated and able to start talking about and exploring science in their environment.

Look out for and make sure you come to our next Science Day!


Hafsha D Shaikh,

Sept 2017