
Our Family Learning English group enjoyed a lovely visit to Balsall Heath Library, last Friday.

With buggies, mums and babies all wrapped up warm against the cold morning chill, we all walked the short distance to the library.

Kerry, the librarian welcomed and settled us in the cosy children’s area. And straight into the session we went. Squeals of laughter and giggles punctuated the quietness of the library, as Kerry enthralled and delighted the families with a reading session.

As babies snoozed, mums and toddlers were busy making and decorating fish. Or sharks, as little Massa and Fatima discovered, as they chased me around the table scaring me with their scary sharks!

All parents completed a joining form and enjoyed choosing books as they became official members of Birmingham Libraries. Parents were excited to find driving theory books, cookery books, and dual language children’s books. Parents shared that the books would help them to further develop their English, but would also help them to teach their children Arabic and Urdu.

The library card allows families to take books out on loan for 28 days. Books can be returned to any library in Birmingham. And families can join in and enjoy the many activities the libraries offer.

Many parents commented they were not aware of the library in Balsall Heath and the many services on offer. It was really nice to be a part of this groups continuing learning journey, as they explored and discovered their local library.

We have many more exciting visits and trips planned over the coming weeks. To find out more information or to join please call Balsall Heath Children’s Centre.

Hafsha D Shaikh

FLB To The Library We Went 1