
Last night pupils and staff attended finals for The Next Generation Awards at Highbury Hall Moseley.  It was a much anticipated evening with many schools around Birmingham participating in the event.  The pupils at St Paul’s school took part in thinking of an innovative idea to spend £1,500 to improve an aspect of Birmingham.  Our ideas were to raise awareness of children with hidden disabilities, a cause which is dear to us all at St Paul’s.  Our idea was to create a sensory tree or area in Birmingham to allow anyone who may be stressed, even Parents, to have a safe and quiet area to calm down.

Next Gen Awards 1

Last night we reached a pinnacle in the event, where pupils at St Paul’s were up against some of the higher profile schools and able pupils in Birmingham.  Unfortunately, we didn’t win but we surprisingly won an alternative prize!  Turves Green School came first to win and then there was a surprise cheque that had been put forward last minute.  As the speech continued after the winners were announced the Head of SEND provision for Birmingham, Julia Davey, spoke of difficulties faced by pupils coming from Social and Emotional backgrounds with hidden disabilities.  Our hearts began to pound with the anticipation, was she speaking of us? Yes! A last minute surprise was in store for us! We were awarded £500.00 for our idea!

Next Gen Awards 2

Well done to Mckobie and Kion for their relentless commitment to this project and presenting their idea so eloquently.  They showed charisma, sophistication and above all bravery in speaking in front of complete strangers.  They overcame huge barriers and proved to themselves that they are head and shoulders above anyone their own age and ability.  I’m so proud of these pupils and the support of staff at St Paul’s.  Here’s to next year’s competition.  WE ARE READY!


By Mrs Dutfield

English Teacher