
From September 2014, all schools are expected to publish information about their provision for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

This includes the ‘Local Offer’, which helps parents/careers understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies.

Relevant questions
1) For what kinds of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) does the School make provision? What type of provision do they make and how do they know it works?

Type of need: 
• Social support needs

Examples of support in our school
• Small classes to help incorporate all pupils
• Regular mentoring sessions with every pupil
• Extra-curricular activities to encourage co-operation and team work

How we check it is working
• Staff evaluations
• Mentoring sessions indicate progress through discussions
• Personal SMART targets for pupils to work towards

Type of need: 
Emotional support needs

Examples of support in our school
• One to one sessions with pupils who need additional support
• Time out cards for pupils who struggle in lessons
• Circle time in family groups
• Regular contact with parents/carers
LSA in every class

How we check it is working 
• Tutors will record all incidents linked to pupils’ emotional well-being and discuss issues with families
• Mentoring sessions support pupils in their emotional needs and understanding them.

Type of need: 
Mental health difficulties

Examples of support in our school
• One to one sessions with key workers to discuss personal issues
SENCO attends meetings with other agencies to help meet pupils’ needs
• The administration of medication
• Use of other agencies who come into school to talk to pupils with mental health difficulties
• Staff who are trained and aware of all pupils’ needs

How we check it is working 
• All our work with pupils is recorded and documented
• Regular conversations with parents/carers and professionals to check on progress

Type of need: 
Substance abuse

Examples of support in our school
• Staff who are aware of signs and symptoms of substance abuse and procedures to be followed
• High adult to pupil ratios
• Input from a wide range of professionals

How we check it is working 
• Staff will document concerns and follow up on actions
• All discussions are recorded
• Pupils are given support from school, home and outside agencies

Type of need: 
Behaviour difficulties

Examples of support in our school
• We have a behaviour manager who works closely with all pupils when matters arise
• All staff are aware of pupils’ behaviour
• Each pupil has an Individual Education and Behaviour Plan
• We have a ‘sent out’ room for when pupils need time out to calm down

How we check it is working 
• We record which pupils are out of lessons and when
• We put interventions in place to stop this from happening in the future
• Pupils IEPs and IBPs are evaluated and updated by staff
• Behaviour manager monitors pupils behaviour

Many of our pupils have medical diagnoses, including ADHD and ASC which impact on their responses and behaviour.

2) How does the School identify and assess SEND?
The majority of our pupils have SEND. They currently have Statements of Special Educational Need or are being transferred to Education Health and Care Plans. 
You can find the SEND Policy on our website.

3) How does the School know how much progress is being made with pupils with SEND?
We have robust systems of baseline assessments, recording data, target setting and tracking of progress in place. Targeted intervention is in place for all pupils whom we feel are making less than expected progress. Our targets are set in line with national expectations for pupils, taking account of their SEND. Regular parents’ evenings/review meetings take place and parents are able to arrange meetings at other times to discuss progress.

4) What extra-curricular activities can a pupil with SEND access at School?
We run a variety of enrichment activities for our pupils including a holiday provision, woodwork, horticulture, and a games groups for pupils who enjoy acting out roles. There are residential study trips and outdoor activities off-site.

5) Does the School have SEND Co-ordinator, if so who are they and how can someone get in touch with them?
As a Special School all staff are aware of the requirements to meet the needs of young people with SEND. We have an assistant SENCO in place who maintains our pupils’ SENprovision.

6) What training do the staff in school have in relation to pupils with SEND?
Many of our teachers and support staff have a great deal of experience working with children with SEND. For staff who are new to the school we offer induction and training including Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Team Teach and behaviour management. For all our staff we have a schedule of training across the year.

7) How does the school get more specialist help for pupils if they need it?
We can offer specialist advice from other agencies: these include police, family support workers and the school nurse. We work very closely with all the professionals as well as parents to ensure we offer the best provision. We will also contact other agencies, as appropriate, for example CAMHS, Social Care and Health, Educational Psychologists, the Communication and Autism Team, anger-management, self-help and anti-bullying specialists.

8) How are parents of children and young people with SEND involved in the education of their child?
We meet with parents as often as necessary to ensure that they are happy with the education their children are receiving, also arrange surveys.

There are a number of opportunities, both formal and informal, for parents to come into School. These range from parents’ evenings, Annual Review meetings, special assemblies and fund-raising events. Class teachers contact parents regularly on the phone or via email. We also arrange meetings with parents at any time of the year, at their request. We also have a School-Home Newsletter sent out on a regular basis.

9) How are pupils with SEND involved in their own education?
Wherever possible we will include our pupils in their education by encouraging them to participate in review meetings, whether that is by talking with them outside of the meeting to ascertain their views or by them taking part in the meeting itself.

We also have a student council that meets regularly and has the opportunity to influence decisions.

10) If a parent or a child with SEND has a complaint about the school, how does the Governing Body deal with the complaint?
We have a complaints policy. In the first instance we would encourage parents to contact the Headteacher or other members of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the complaint. Pupils are asked to talk with their Tutors first. If this does not resolve matters, there is a formal Trust Complaints policy and pupil Complaints procedure.

11) How does the Governing body involve other people in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND including support for their families?
There is a strong team of pastoral staff who work closely with children and families to ensure that the needs of the children are met.

12) Who are the support services that can help parents with pupils who have special educational needs?
Parent Partnership services are available to help parents through the assessment process and can also help facilitate school visits and offer advice. SENAR is the department within the Local Authority who manage the assessment process.

There are several parent support groups in Birmingham which offer support and guidance. A number of these organisations have parents of children with SEND who work with them.

13) How does the school support pupils with SEND through Transition?
The arrangements for transition vary, depending on the developmental stage of the pupils. On entry to School the transition is planned on an individual basis with the family. This usually includes an informal visit by parents, an observation at the current school placement and a formal visit to the School with the pupil. 
If a pupil is coming to us from a different school, we will always try to visit them in their current setting and if possible attend their final review.
Transition from School – Pupils at the end of year 10 and their parents/carers have discussions about their future after school and their hopes and aspirations. Many pupils transfer into a variety of college placements or apprenticeships. They are given advice and guidance by school staff and Connexions; there are also opportunities to visit a variety of colleges during the pupil’s last couple of years at St Paul’s School.

14) How can parents find the Birmingham Local Authority’s Local Offer?
Birmingham’s Local offer can be found on the My Care in Birmingham website.