
In consultation with parents, carers, pupils, SENAR and Ofsted we have decided to develop a more vocational skill based curriculum to align learning and achievement with pupil’s long-term goals and aspirations.

Pupil voice is paramount at St Pauls, so from setting foot here all pupils are consulted about their interests, aspirations, long term goals and preferred style of learning. Following this all pupils will engage in a week-long baseline assessment to determine their level of study for all subjects.

In key stage 3 all pupils will choose bite size study units from the Laser Learning Employment and Progress (LEAP) qualifications. These offer a wide variety of personal development and vocational taster units to enable pupils to experience and develop a skills acquisition pathway. For example, life skills, physical education, enviro studies, cooking, creative craft, land based studies etc.

Catering Lesson Pupil Photo

LEAP has been designed with flexibility in mind. Gives freedom to select units that suit pupil’s needs. The qualifications are ideal for those who require a truly individualised curriculum. It promotes engagement and retention and boosts learner confidence with a ‘hands on’ approach.

These will form the basis for further study for progress onto key stage 4. All pupils will study functional English, maths and ICT.

At the end of key stage 3 pupils will have the option to choose their preferred subjects for study to include: Trades, Motor Vehicle Studies, Food and Cooking, Environmental, Land Based, Sport and Active Leisure, Outdoor Studies etc.

The timetable has also been altered to accommodate more personal development, PSME and nurture time at the beginning and the end of each day for the pupils to feel fully and holistically supported.